The HYDE 3.1 spatially explicit database of human 您所在的位置:网站首页 database journal The HYDE 3.1 spatially explicit database of human

The HYDE 3.1 spatially explicit database of human

2023-01-19 09:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. 一种全球开放数据库中机场空间位置的验证方法 [P] . 中国专利: CN112395998A . 2021-02-23 2. Database of global electronic exchangers Global transaction management method [P] . 外国专利: KR19990017083A . 1999-03-15


3. Nu-English – A Simpler English Language for the Future (An Easier English with an Expanded Phonetic Alphabet, Simplified Phonetic Spelling, Simpler Standardised Consistent Grammar Rules and Elimination of Rule Exceptions including Changes to Irregular Verbs, to Save Years of Schooling and Make English Easier to Learn, Remember and Use, thus Enhancing Its Role as the Best Choice of a Language for Global Communication). [P] . 外国专利: AU2018102049A4 . 2019-01-17

机译:Nu-English –面向未来的更简单的英语(更简单的英语,带有扩展的拼音字母,简化的拼写,简化的标准一致语法规则,并消除了规则异常,包括不规则动词的更改,从而节省了多年的学习时间,并使英语更加轻松学习,记忆和使用,从而增强其作为全球交流语言的最佳选择的作用)。

4. global database under local database via a direct connection to change the data extraction methods [P] . 外国专利: KR101046338B1 . 2011-07-05







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